Hi Everyone;
Today I’d like to share a personal experience with you. This write-up aims to help you when you find yourself in this situation.
Returning to coding after a long break often happens to each and everyone, it takes a whole lot of courage to start up or resume coding after you’ve stopped.
The break may have happened for one reason or the other, maybe –based on one's health condition, because of the need to recuperate, or it could be a lack of motivation, loss of focus, or the need for more rest. There could be various reasons for anyone to go on a long break.
But the question is how do you return to your career as a developer after this break. Let's journey to discover how with the highlighted points below:
Setting a timeline or schedule is an important step that can't be ignored, I believe one of the first things to do after a long break; especially after you have chosen your specific field _is to SET A TIMELINE/SCHEDULE-as this is to get a stipulated time at which you’d give yourself to coding again. Like the adage says-
little drops of water make an ocean;
This gradually helps you get back on track and of course, you can increase your schedule as you get on with your duties. The idea of setting a timeline is to improve your focus, help you stay motivated, and manage your time properly.
Another point I’d like to bring out in helping you to resume coding is ‘CATCH UP’. You’d want to regain and get back to work, check on updates of what you have missed, and keep up on the information you need to get on track. Then thereafter you move on to THE REAL LEARNING.
The next step id encourages anyone is to ’START LEARNING AGAIN’, After going back through the lane of what you used to know, it's time to start learning again. Get coding, start thinking, Get those courses, read those books, and also read articles. You can also begin a side project, this could be apps, websites, etc. This is important cause it allows you to learn, generates lots of ideas, and helps you get knowledge, and new experiences needed for your skill.
Another big step to resuming coding is to JOIN A COMMUNITY. The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. I’ve seen many who joined a community and they got the change they always desired in their career, This opens you to various opportunities, it exposes and enlightens you to see and meet people of like minds whom you can connect with, you can get advice, you are challenged and inspired to even become better and well developed.
IN addition, to the above is GET BACK TO WORK, continue with your plans, prepare for interviews, go on to freelancing. The main idea is just to get back to work and resume fully into your career or skill. And Lastly, don’t get discouraged, don’t try to be focused on the negative part, and make it of necessity to take breaks frequently(of course short ones) to avoid burnout and to stay refreshed.
Thank you for reading,
I hope this article helps you to resume coding after your break. Please like and share it if it does and your feedback will be appreciated